What is the best diet to fight acne?
What is the best diet to fight acne? Currently, a Low Glycemic Index Diet shows the strongest scientific evidence that it could help lessen acne lesions.
What is the glycemic index (GI) and how does it affect the skin? The glycemic index ranks carbohydrate-rich foods based on how much they increase blood sugar levels. Higher glycemic index values raise blood sugar much quicker than foods with lower glycemic index values. Eating high glycemic foods causes a cascade response in the body triggering growth and sex hormones which can have a profound effect on the skin, including the formation of acne.
Foods that are high on the glycemic index include white bread, chips, and white potatoes; low-GI foods include beans, multi-grain bread, peanuts, and vegetables.
The buzz in the skincare industry for some time has been that high-GI foods could contribute to acne, but recent studies show a strong correlation in several prominent studies done worldwide.
- In Australia, a study of males between 15-25 followed a strict Low glycemic diet and showed a significant reduction in their acne.
- Studies done on patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome showed improvements in patients with acne while on blood sugar-regulating medications.
- A survey of 2,528 dieters accessing a low glycemic diet showed that 87% reported improvement in their skin.
More studies have to be done, but it could be worth a try to give up 'the whites' for 12-weeks (the time it takes for dietary changes to begin to show on the skin) and see if it helps your skin. Of course, consult your doctor or health professional before starting a new diet plan.
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