Summer Wedding Survival Guide
Whether you're attending a summer wedding or you are in one, beauty snafus just seem to happen. Here are a few of my favorite tips for looking and feeling great during a long day of glamour.
If you know it's going to be hot, keep the small of your back cool. Placing an instant cold compress on the small of the back will stop almost anyone from sweating, keep it in place with a bit of medical tape. This trick works fantastic for the guys because it's undetectable in a suit. If your outfit won't allow for this, it might be wise to pack a fan.
If you sweat from your brow, you can rub a tiny amount of clear antiperspirant in your hairline. We used this trick on hot film sets all the time, it's not great for your skin so don't make this one a habit.
Blot tears or sweat rather than rub. This will help you preserve your makeup and stop you from making matters worse. I recommend blotting with the brown napkins from Starbucks rather than the blotting papers that contain powder on them (sweat and powder seem to make mud on a hot day). It's going to be a long day so you may want to pick up a Green Tea Latte or something to keep you going.
On the other end of the weather spectrum, remember that it cools down after dark, and you might want a pretty pashmina scarf for your shoulders.
Wear sunscreen, but PLEASE be sure you get your neck and chest. If the photographer chooses to use their flash once the sun goes down, you won't end up looking like you have a white face and a dark neck. Or, you could step your look up a notch and do the European thing and wear a chic hat. Not only will it shield your face but it makes for such a cool statement at a summer wedding.
Always wear waterproof mascara to a wedding, even if you don't expect to cry. I've had incredible luck on my many brides with Maybelline Illegal Length Waterproof Mascara If you are wearing false lashes, pack extra adhesive (I like DUO in clear). You may not need it, but you will be someone else's hero for sure.
It's always smart to have a bobby pin, a safety pin, clear nail polish, an emery board, needle and thread (black and white) and super glue on hand. I can only think of one wedding that I've worked on that needed less than three on that list and far too many that needed all of them.
New shoes? Get Moleskin from the sporting goods store (REI carries it) and put it on your rub spots to cushion and avoid blisters before they happen. Ladies, keep a pair of ballet flats in the car just in case. Remember, if it's an outdoor ceremony, you may want to rethink stilettos and go with thicker heels that won't sink in the grass.
Ok, no one wants to talk about it, but BUGS happen. If you don't want to be friends with every gnat, bee and mosquito, then don't wear perfume. I know that no one wants to smell of bug spray, but I found a great product when I was in Los Angeles, called Medic Murder Holistic Bug Spray. It smells nice, and it works fairly well, but admittedly not as well as Deet. Oh and just in case you have a seriously fun wedding your attending, it won't melt fake blood :)
Drink water with every cocktail, and please make sure you have a designated driver.
Do you have any tips for Summer Weddings? I'd love to hear them.
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