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Article: A Positive View on Aging

A Positive View on Aging

A Positive View on Aging

Your mind is a powerful tool. Research shows that positive thoughts affect almost every area of our lives and can have concrete health benefits while you age.

Studies show that even smiling or listening to happy music may have an impact on our health. A cheery outlook releases chemicals and endorphins to the brain that lower stress on the rest of the body, making you a happier, healthier you. These benefits lower your risk for disease and other complications of aging. Who would have thought that positive thinking could have real health benefits?

A positive mindset should come naturally, but for some being positive is a bit of a struggle; the good news is that it is positivity is something you can learn, through practice and mindfulness. A popular method of practicing positivity is with a gratitude journal. Research studies on gratitude journals found that "counting one's blessings" in a journal led to improved optimism and had fewer symptoms of physical illness.

People who practice positivity, have a tendency to keep that sunnier disposition throughout the aging process. Making a positive outlook part of your nature helps you to face unexpected health issues, changes, and the losses in life. Having a positive outlook, knowing that you live life the best you can, benefits you as you age.

Be and stay positive it's good for your health!

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